Thursday, May 1, 2008

Who Are The Consecrated Children?

In both the Jewish and Christian traditions in the prophetic book of the Old Testament, Jeremiah, it is recorded, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."(Jer. 1.5, New American Standard Bible ©1995)

If GOD the CREATOR, who called these children into being, (for it is NOT the rapists who give them life) says HE consecrated these children in their mothers’ wombs, then certainly He has a mighty plan for their lives. While every baby is called forth by God, the children who have been conceived as a result of this crime against their mothers are what I call “The Consecrated Children.” They have a special call on their lives, no doubt.

According to Dr. Janet Smith, a well-known professor who speaks and teaches on human sexuality, the first call on the lives of these most special of children is to help their mothers heal from the trauma of their experience. Smith reports that in her teaching and private counseling she has found that women who conceive as a result of a rape heal more quickly and more fully than women who either do not conceive or abort their babies.

Isn’t that remarkable? These children are conceived by God as a means of healing, hope and joy for the women who have been violated! Contrary to what is preached in Western culture today, a child conceived as a result of a rape is NOT conceived as a reminder of the trauma, but as a gift from God to help their mothers move beyond the pain of their experience.

These little ones are truly God’s gift, and it is my hope that as the stories of their lives begin to be told, we will be witnesses to miracles of all sorts.

In Hope,

Veronica Diego


Stina said...

God bless you and the work you are doing! You are amazing!

~~~mary said...
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~~~mary said...

How wonderful - may God bless your work!!! Peace. ~~~mary

Samantha said...

This is an exciting issue, I am very impressed with your efforts. More people should consider this issue.