Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Amazing Mother Found by Her Daughter

Juda M. recently shared the story of finding her mother after all these years!

I was conceived when eight men raped my mother as she walked home after watching The Ten Commandments. I found her after 48 years of both of us praying to meet. Her mother wanted her to have an abortion but she said it wasn't the baby's fault so she gave me up for adoption. She never forgot me and was thrilled to meet me in 2005.

I wrote her a song called "God is Faithful" and now it has turned into a full CD. I travel the world letting people see the face of the "conceived in rape" so that we will be given a chance to live and make a difference in the world.

My mom is a hero and other women who choose to give life will be too.

Please visit www.juda4praise.com to find out more. I have just written a book and it will be published by Tate Publishing available sometime in February 2009 called "Conceived in Rape: LIVING WITH PURPOSE! Real Life, Real Forgiveness, Real Freedom." I am available for speaking and singing. God bless you for all you are doing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for telling my story. God bless you for all you do to save a child AND a mother's life. juda myers

Anonymous said...

Juda: thank you for your story, and for the witness you and your mother are to the gift of life! Every child is a gift, no matter the circumstances of his/her conception, and your mother truly is a hero for recognizing this truth. God bless you both!

Anonymous said...

There is another one like Ann Myers:
Robert K. Parker, Daniel A. Ray, David E. Lewis, and others. Parker forgave the gunman who shot his daughter, while Lewis forgave the gunman who shot his grandson. Lewis's grandson died a hero saving others. The gunman is dead and is being dealt with God. There is no need for restribution. Justice has been served. He is gone for good. It is too late for the gunman to receive God's forgiveness as his fate is sealed and it is up to us (Christians) to forgive him. My brother was crying because there is so many children shot dead in one day. I hope to God I can never see such a thing again. Rest in peace, 27 children and adults.