Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thank You Patty (and Thanks to Your Birthmom, Too!) For Your Live Saving Work

Patty, who was conceived in rape, honors her birthmother for giving her life. She also stands up for those like her, who cannot speak for themselves, by standing outside a Planned Parenthood facility during 40 Days for Life, giving face and voice to those whom many would seek to kill through abortion, supposedly as an act of mercy toward the raped woman.

Be sure to view the video of Patty, honoring her birthmom, at the end of the article!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Exciting New Organization!

There is a new (to me anyway) organization that is working in the trenches to save the lives of persons conceived via rape. Here is what they say they want to accomplish.

"Living Exceptions is an organization founded by Rape conceived women who want to educate individuals on what it means to be 100% Pro-Life. 60% of Pro-Lifers hold a Rape Exception and we feel that education is the key to these pro-lifers discovering the truth in value of all human life. All Life has value, the woman who's going through the difficult pregnancy and the child who's life hangs in the balance."

I recommend you visit their site for yourself and read the stories of these remarkable individuals!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

There are those that let the odds define them and those who strive to defy the odds. Valerie Gatto, Miss Pennsylvania USA 2014, is defining more than the odds with her positive outlook and the many contributions she is already making in our world.

Her story is one that could have ended in tragedy but her mother's courage set her on a course of triumph!

Valerie's mother was raped at knife-point but managed to escape her attacker, and though she conceived Valerie as a result of this crime, she chose to give Valerie the gift of life. Turning this negative into a positive has impacted Valerie's life for good in so many ways.